Division, Faith, Knowledge and Understanding, Poetry, Rock Solid Faith, The Day Of Rest !

Moving towards understanding continues…#30

Open transparent and speaking plainly not in tongues or parables and no withholding Sound Off.

The apple of mine, with a glimpse of the eyes it glisten as the diamond they are as a aurora of colors as the rainbow after the storm. They were a choice above the other fruit and having accordingly, A Heavenly aroma.

It was as the fruits had been touched by the hand of God and accordingly, having then the blessings of heaven above. For there could not be found any greater fruits insight and pleasing to the eyes.

It’s As if it should be forever and bring forth fruits after its kind and, accordingly, likeness and similarity of its mirror image,  and presenting the seed of its elegance forever with endurance of the Passage of time.

As if its one of its kind and accordingly, of full age and a perfection having reached the everlasting likeness of it evolutionary journey and path. And was evolved to produce the offspring of the seeds after its kind.

For God himself has blessed me with the seed of my future throughout times and endless accordingly, everlasting as if there are neither a beginning or as they is ever a end. Spouting up forever and accordingly, always as the likeness of the first born seed.

As long as my love holds endurance and accordingly explained; that my eyes will always find favor of the child the first seed and planting of my loins.

The Lord of Hosts has sworn by the Word of His mouth and accordingly explained, will not repent, or reconsider the terms of consideration saying your seed is forever throughout the Passage of time.

As long as I shall consider the child and the offspring should consider the child then the little child shall lead them throughout the times as the Savor and apple of the eyes.

Little poetry about the promises of God pertaining to the promises of the Child and seeds after them forever, as long as the child would remain the purpose and focus would obtain obviously the highest possible outcome for humanity as a whole.

That all the humanity would remain intact with the blessing of God for the entirety of eternity in definite life constantly and infinite by the Grace of God.

And accordingly God has spoken throughout times with the Word of His mouth saying, but if the child then breaks the rules and accordingly explained, forsaken the way and path that is in the Child.

He promised forever to generations without end that He would whip the child with the rod’s of humanity, least his foot slips into the paths of destruction and the way of the wicked of the world.

Those Who care not for even their children and their offspring and are as the clouds and accordingly explained, winds who have no sure bearing only comes and goes, and who’s footing has slipped away from the Favor of the child.

Example accordingly explained; Everyone knows the verse, John; God so loved the world that he gives his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should never parish, but have life everlasting. And accordingly more abundantly!

The Word of God has spoken and accordingly explained, and can not lie, Unlike humanity who has shown towards unworthiness and truth and trust because lack of the Spirit of truth and accordingly ,understanding.

And accordingly explained, that humanity cannot be trusted, seeing they’re unwise in their hearts and judgment and seeking for their own lusts and accordingly deception and in favor of the own hearts desires all for the gain of this life.

And accordingly explained that God is incapable of a lie and is not partial or corrupt as humanity and God only seeks One thing of humanity in exchange for everlasting life constantly and that is accordingly, made clear to Obey His Word.

And accordingly explained, that many people today perceive that God is asking for to much in exchange for the authentic Word and promises of God. And they would rather have their fleshood and accordingly, life and experiences of this world.

God accordingly explained, Is only asking for his Glory, Example explained, In all things you do, do it as unto the Lord giving thanks continually. Is that really asking for so much? Example accordingly explained, Put your salvation first by putting the spiritual things first above all things.

Today it’s evident that humanity has lost their faith and trust that the path of righteousness and truth is unfair, and accordingly untrue. So much so that their Spiritual life has no impact or even value to them, leaving all humanity at risk of being destroyed.

And accordingly explained, And for What? The earth,dirt,land and metal, iron and steel,automotive gold,rings and wood, home’s, glass, diamond? And explained, all elements of the world

Accordingly explained; Things that parish and then with a unquenchable thirsting and lusts for more to gain the world and accordingly explained that in doing so they are distributing the world’s balance and they lay waste as the garden of eden before them.

All the while promising their Children a heavily garden when they are done. I don’t see it, clearly they are nearing destruction of the planet, garden all for their lust for more and the gains that this life offers. You judge!

Thought and consideration; All the stench has reached the heaven’s and accordingly, as they have created a great wickedness and unjustifiable activity that has layed waste our plants resources it has left it barely intact and accordingly explained, as the atmosphere is slowly stripped away its leaving us exposed to our Star, Sun.

As it stands now if they don’t blow up the plant first and we all die instantly, or we’ll die slowly as we still have to contend with the heat and fire of the Sun. isn’t there something very wrong here with the humanity of the world today? Considering that most plants like ours are around for Millions of years especially if the Star would last 26 Million years!

And accordingly explained, considering our star is only 13 Million years old, then its only half its age. Explained, that means that we are cheating the Child, offspring out of many years before their time upon the face of the earth. Then if they should have to answer their children of the future, how then will they answer? They didn’t really understand why their lust and accordingly greed was more desirable than the promises of God and life everlasting?

Because I believe that thou its evident and accordingly explained, inevitable that our star will have to die, but I believe and accordingly, trust in God that way before the Day comes that He’s going to be with the Child, offspring, seeds and accordingly will redeem them by means of the knowledge that comes from above to be able to Escape the wrath of the Star. If they are not out of the way of righteousness and truth of those time times time.

But only if We first observe the Word of God, Christ and accept the truth and Will of God. And then they will have the chance to be there and be in Christ alive and Accordingly, Well. Lord Willing we and the generations to come will happen.

Faith, Poetry

Your feet are to small


Psalm 123:4(KJV) Our soul is exceedingly filled with the scorning of those that are at ease, and with the contempt of the proud.

Job 40:12(KJV) Look on every one that is proud, and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place.

I would ask you to walk a mile in my shoes only your feet want fit they would be to lose.


I am two steps of you because one of mine are two of you.

And if you care to take a walk with me you will be behind two steps maybe three.

Yeah I am quite conceded but for me this is all that is needing.

I am proud because I will always win the race because I can keep up two times your Pace.

Time is on my side and because of me you’ll run and hide.

I am walking around with mine head high and because of me all will sigh.


And if you try to jump ahead of me your gonea haven’t jump twice no better yet you better make it thrice.

I am ahead of the Jones’s and nothing that they do can keep me on my toes and that is how it goes.

I am the greatest gift from God and society looks up to me and becomes quite jaded and for them lives quite faded.


Yeah I am quite conceeded living a life like a beast fulfilling the lusts of all the worldly detestable things one can tell I don’t have no brains.

And following the path of my own two feet and in the end hoping it will be neat.

I would but turn around but I can’t wait to get my crown.


I am running as far as I can life for me is to stay ahead of God’s plan.

I can’t run as fast as the speed of light so I can never see what He has amassed.


I am quite the grotesque inside I am painting a pretty picture and still I can not hide.

Because when I speak a word all my ugliness is all you heard.

I am quite the champagne for you to bare and if you try I will give you my stare with a mighty glare.

I am a giant as the mighty Goliath and as David you will have to bring down one of the most highest and I am quite byous in my own eyes.


And if you try to take me down I will beat you to the ground and trample you with my big feet.


And if you can’t handle me just get out of the heat and because of me you can not keep a beat.

No rhythm not even a song because of me your momentum is gone.

Life for you under my shadow is shallow and you are sure a sad fellow.


Psalm 94:1-5(KJV) O LORD God, to whom vengeance belongeth; O God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself.Lift up thyself, thou judge of the earth: render a reward to the proud.
LORD, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked triumph?
How long shall they utter and speak hard things? and all the workers of iniquity boast themselves?They break in pieces thy people, O LORD, and afflict thine heritage.

Scriptures References of the King James version (KJV)Copyright© 2012, Used by Permission@biblehub.com bold print added by me, Expressed in my own content and belief with the word of God from the heart under the authority of the Holy Spirit !
